ENVIRONMENTALISM Faux Taxidermy is the sequel to Janelle Monae’s 2018 hit “Screwed” when she asks, “Fake news, fake boobs, fake food what’s real?”

I worry rich people won’t buy fake fur or fake leather because “fake” is attached to it. I picture you countering, “But they have so many fake body parts and fill their bodies with plastic, so not all fake things deter them.” Vegan fashion designer Joshua Katcher says he uses “future leather” and “future fur” to attempt to create a more desirable association with animal alternatives.

ENVIRONMENTALISM Yanoula Athanassakis points out the trouble with language in class- mock, substitute, fake, alternative, replacement, fake, faux. They pile up next to all the bad animal metaphors. “Feed two birds with one scone” (cite) doesn’t seem to be changing the ecosphere, but I’m hopeful.